

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Tutorial Pembuatan Wajan Bolij



 Assalamualikum Wr.Wb

 We thank to Allah Swt  because have given its blessing to guide and us and also amenity to us to finish handing out about Making of frying pan of bolij. Nor maker system and regulator of network.
 In this handing out in elaborating some appliance which need to be drawn up [by] before doing assembling of frying pan of bolij, as well as we have elaborated its assembling some ways.
 In this things is we can study at the same time we can make network able to be exploited for everyday activity. Besides also surely will be useful of our moment enter job world to come.
 And we make this handing out to fulfill obligation of us as student to equip subject duty which have in determine, altough in this handing out still many insuffiency possible at least there is benefit which we can permeate. Therefore as a group making this is handing out very is expecting of suggestion and criticism able to develop.hopefully with this handing out can add knowledge for us as well as to reader. Thank you




          Content solutions.........................................................04
          Practice stage steps......................................................05
          Conclusion and suggestion...........................................06



            Pursuant to Vocational High School curriculum program ( SMK), specially SMK N 1 Hackles of Tapeh Technics student of Computer Network ( TKJ) obliged to execute Praktik Making Of Antenna Frying pan of Bolic in System Network of Wide Area of Network ( WAN). Execution of Praktik adapted for by hour  Iesson of Installation Peripheral Of Jaringan-Wide Area of Network ( IPJ-WAN). Making Of Antenna Frying pan of Bolic the made by class student of XI TKJ with group system. Execution of praktik can be done by after all equipments which  is required in making of frying pan of bolic have made available.

A.    Benefit
 In Expecting to benefit student can technological network kan which [in] studying of in  this SMK, as well as will good for their moment enter in  job world wait. As well as useful for everyday life to be student earn incircuit to network of internet swiftly by claiming to is creative is  each student in managing network .

B.    Target
·        To know what benefit of frying pan antenna of bolic and know making how to antenna
·        Can add knowledge and knowledge all student 
·        Setling and applying science which have been obtained by during solution of items

 Content Solution

 1) Execution Of Practice
 a. Preparation
             As for Materialss required for the making of Frying pan of Bolic the following
·        USB Wifi Adapter + Cable of USB
·         Frying pan Aluminium Diameter 40 cm 1
·         Pipe of Paralon size measure 3? 30 cm
·        Hubcap Pipe size measure 3
·        Bolt + Nut 3? 2
·         Aluminnium Lacban
·         Cable of UTP

 Peripheral to assemble
·        Hacksaw
·         Forceps + Screwdriver
·        Solder + Tinol
·         Ruler
·        Cutter + Scissors
·         Drilling Machine + Eye Drill 3 inch

b. Practice stages steps

1. Measurement
 Before conducting assembling of frying pan of bolik we have to measure first apart focus of frying pan which we use to get position of USB correct wifi

 Picture of III a.I Enumeration of frying pan focus

1. Make hole frying pan, prepare hubcap of pralon 3" which [in] drilling in the middle of. Later;Then hubcap bolt of paralon 3" to frying pan base

 Draw III Frying pan a.II of Bolic visible of front
 Draw III Frying pan a.III of Bolic visible of back

 2. Paralon 3" arranged in layers aluminium lakban as long as 20cm, do not tip of. Leaving over some reckoned from by cm is frying pan focus. Make hole paralon around 5 cm of back part, for the connector of USB WLAN.

 Draw III Pipe a.IV of paralon arranged in layers alumunium lakban

 After arranging in layers pipe of paralon with aluminium lakban, including USB WLAN into pipe of paralon with distance about  5.3 previous measurement cm according  from tip of paralon
3. Hereinafter close pipe of paralon above with hubcap 3 inch

 Draw III a.V Installation of pipe hubcap and of USB WLAN

4. After paired [by] hubcap 3, hereinafter pipe of paralon [in] pairing to hubcap 3 which have been assembling with frying pan of bolik. Ascertaining its position as according to attached USB wifi konektor [at] pipe of paralon.

 Draw III a.VI Installation of paralon to hubcap [in] frying pan

 5. Assembling of Frying Pan antenna; Have all Bolik. Jointing cable of USB which have [in] lengthening with cable of UTP.

 Draw IIIA.VII Antenna; Frying pan of Bolic ready for use


            We is  science mandapatkan challange frying pan of bolic start from congeniality, process enumeration of length and mencarifokus of paralon and also amenity in course of making of wajanbolic antenna. So that we earn to exploit technology of internet youngly, practical and expense of cheap.
 Exploit progress of information technology as well as possible, and create innovation in watering down the technological untukmengakses especially service of internet.



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